International Expert Seminar – Bucharest, Romania

2018-12-12T11:41:03+00:00 12. 12. 2018.|Vesti|

GlobalFocus Center, an independent foreign policy and strategic analysis think-­‐tank in Bucharest, Romania, organised an international expert seminar on October 29, in Bucharest, to discuss and analyse the perspectives for EU -­‐ Western Balkans relations in the wake of the newly launched EU Agenda for the region and ahead of crucial European elections next year. The goal of the seminar was to map out the mood, the challenges and the opportunities on both sides, the various possible scenarios and to chart the best options for the upcoming Romanian presidency of the EU Council (January -­‐ June 2019) to contribute to the advancement of the EU accession perspective for the European Union’s southern neighbourhood.

Dušan Janjić, President of the Board, Forum for Ethnic Relations, participated at this seminar.

The seminar was funded by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society/ KFOS and hosted by the Representation of the European Commission in Bucharest. It benefited from the valuable input of our knowledge partners Sofia Platform (Bulgaria) and European Stability Initiative (Austria).