The position of the Forum for ethnic relations

2018-03-25T07:26:34+00:00 21. 03. 2018.|News|

The Forum for Ethnic Relations presented a document: “The Position of the Forum for Ethnic Relations: Normalization the Way toward the Solution”.

Speaking about the document Dušan Janjić said that it is the Forum of Ethnic Relation’s response to the initiative for Internal Dialogue on Kosovo, launched by the President of Serbia, Aleksadar Vučić. It draws upon the experiences gained over many years and reflects the position of the Forum for Ethnic Relations in the framework of one of its projects: Monitoring the Internal Dialogue on Kosovo.

“The document points to general factors affecting the situation, main principles and proposed solutions to improve relations between Serbs and Albanians “, said Janjić adding that the document has two parts – recommendations pointing to principles and draft framework agreement between Serbia and Kosovo.

“The question of consideration is what should Serbian authorities fight for in the next 18 months and what should be incorporated into the agreement. The answer to this question is contained in the “Position of the Forum for Ethnic Relations”, Janjić said.

Speaking about the dialogue, Janjić assessed that the purpose of the Brussels Dialogue and the Internal Dialogue is to bring into focus the issues of vital importance for citizens, and to look for realistic and sustainable solutions, because unrealistic solutions will lead to new problems. “A belief that general consensus would be reached through the Internal Dialogue was noble and unrealistic. The Internal Dialogue has also expanded the sphere of mythology, instead of narrowing it down. Therefore, the mistakes made during a period of communist rule should not be repeated, such as ideas for dividing Kosovo into two parts that came from Dobrica Ćosić, said Janjić.

This is an opportunity for Serbia to activate exit strategy in order to overcome impediments caused by opposite views expressed publicly by some coalition partners in the government. According to Janjić, Serbia should push for the formation of the Association of Serb Municipalities and protection of cultural heritage, and raise the issue of mutual claims between Serbia and Kosovo.

Click on this link to access the full text of “The Position of the Forum for Ethnic Relations: Normalization the Way toward the Solution”.