Forum za etničke odnose je u 25 godina postojanja sproveo 350 projekata, letnjih škola, konferencija.
Ovde možete videti koje smo aktivnosti sproveli.
- Projekat “Ekonomsko osnaživanje srpske zajednice na severu Kosova” (april-decembar 2015.)
Projekat „Ekonomsko osnaživanje srpske zajednice na severu Kosova”, koji je podržala Fondacija Hajnrih Bel, imao je za cilj da uz pomoć projektnih aktivnosti identifikuje potrebe poljoprivrednih proizvođača (farmi sa jedno do dvoje zaposlenih) kao i mikro preduzetnika. Nakon identifikacije potreba, bilo je predviđeno da se predlože konkretne mere (politike) koje bi omogućile održivi razvoj navedenih subjekata i lokalne zajednice u datom regionu (severnom delu Kosovske Mitrovice). Te mere podrazumevale su grupne i individualne radionice (obuke) koje bi omogućile da, nakon završetka projekta, svaki od identifikovanih preduzetnika poseduje kapacitet za unapređivanje svog poslovanja.
Sprovođenje projektnih aktivnosti trajalo je od aprila do decembra meseca 2015. godine. Tokom perioda od 8 meseci izrađeni su biznis planovi za sve učesnike projekta, popisane su njihove potrebe i utvrđen je akcioni plan za nastavak projekta tokom 2016. godine.
- Divided States in Europe: Problems and Prospects of Conflict Resolution (international conference), Bled, Slovenia
- Perspective for Kosovo: Regional Cooperation and Northern Kosovo, (international conference), Bečići, Montenegro
- Institutionalization of the relations between Serbia and Kosovo
- Status and Recommendations for Improving Minority Policy and the Work of Councils of National Minorities in the Republic of Serbia, (EU project), Belgrade
- Status of Minority Policy and the Practice of Councils of National Minorities, (project, final conference), Bor, Subotica, Bujanovac, Novi Pazar, Belgrade
- PRISNET- Network for Improving the Prisons System in Europe and in the Western Balkans, (international conference), Belgrade
- The Vision and Strategic Planning of the Development of Serbia in the 21. Century, (round tables), Belgrade
- Serbia and new NATO – Future Vision for the 21st Century, (project), Belgrade
- Review of the Minority Policy and Practices of National Minority Councils in Serbia
- The Minority Issue – the Case of Sandzak: Democratization, Decentralization and Regionalization (round table), Belgrade
- The Role of Minority Leaders in New Democratic Minority Policy (workshop), Nova Varoš, Bor, Novi Pazar, Belgrade
- International Conference on Ethnicity and Borders: The Kosovo Status and its Perspectives
- The Kosovo status and its perspectives: Adjusting policies in the regional context
- Workshops on the Rule of Minority leaders in new democratic minority policy
- Athens Initiative- Supporting Leadership Development and Capacity Building Among the Serb Community Leaders in Kosovo, (workshop), Belgrade
- Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies: Public Outreach (conferences), Belgrade, Zagreb/Split, Skopje, Priština
- International Conference on Ethnicity and Borders: The Kosovo Status and its Perspectives, (international conference), Bečići, Montenegro
- Kosovo Analytical Group (international conference), Montenegro
- The Kosovo Status and its Perspectives: Adjusting Policies in the Regional Context (meeting), Montenegro
- The Nation, Territory and Self – Determination: The Kosovo Status and Its Impact on Regional Stability and International Relations (scientific conference), Montenegro
- Kosovo and Metohia: Current Status and the Prospects for the Future (discussion), Belgrade
- Western Balkans after Troika (discussion, round table), Belgrade
- Western Balkans after Ahtisaari (round table), Belgrade
- Globalization, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts in the Balkans and its Regional Context (annual conference of the ASN), Belgrade
- Kosovo and Metohia Ahead of the UN Security Council Meeting, (conference of the Serbian National Council), Belgrade
- Serbs for Kosovo and Metohia and the Negotiations (conference of the Serbian National Council), Belgrade
- Vojvodina – European region and Integration of Serbia and Montenegro to EU (international round table), Belgrade
- Local Ombudsperson in Serbia – Practice, Challenges and Perspectives (panel), Belgrade
- Advanced Training – Conflict and Negotiation (spring school), Belgrade, Guča
- Challenges of the Future Serbian – Albanian Talks on Kosovo (round table), Belgrade
- Conflict Solving and European Integration Perspectives for the Western Balkans (international conference), Belgrade
- Dialogue on Kosovo: Different Aspects of Negotiation (round table), Belgrade
- Independence and Fate of Minorities 1991-1992(presentation of the research), Beograd
- Conference Regarding FER’s 15th Anniversary
- Challenges of the Future Serbian-Albanian Talks on Kosovo (press conference), Belgrade
- International Crisis Group About Kosovo: The International Negotiating Position of Serbia, Belgrade
- Minorities in Media (training for local media’s journalists), Pirot
- Problems of Internally Displaced Persons in Kosovo (round table), Belgrade
- The Dialogue Before The Beginning Of The Status Talks (round table), Priština
- Framework Strategy and Plan for Regulation of Kosovo Problem, presented at the conference in Belgrade
- Freedom of Speech about Kosovo Issues and Reaction of Government of Republic of Serbia
- Conflict Solving and European Integration Perspectives for the Western Balkans
- The Dialogue Before The Beginning Of The Status Talks
- Adressing the Challenges for Paving the Future to Regional Confidence Building (workshop), Tirana
- Facilitation of Development of the LPA (Local Plan Action) in Municipalities Kragujevac, Pirot, Sjenica
- Kosovo and Metohia: Five Years Later (international round table), Belgrade
- Framework Strategy and Plan for Regulation of Kosovo Problem (conference presentation), Belgrade
- Society and Economy in Transition and Regional and Trans-Regional Cooperation: Myths and Stereotypes as an Obstacle for Successful Cooperation and Normalization of Relations on the Balkans (round table), Belgrade
- Combating Racism and Xenophobia and Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous People (workshops), Novi Pazar, Raška, Pirot, Dimitrovgrad, Prijepolje, Priboj
- Support for Establishment of Local Ombudsmen as a Form of Special Local Government Bodies Performance (workshops), Belgrade, Palić, Novi Sad, Zobnatica, Pančevo, Kragujevac
- Establishment of Institutions and Procedures for Achievement of Self-Governance of Communities and Their Members in Kosovo and Metohia (public policy proposal), Belgrade
- How to Reach Strategy of Active Policy Against Terrorism and Organized Crime(workshop), Belgrade
- Kosovo – Further Steps, (workshop), Beograd
- Draft of the Declaration of the Serbian National Assembly for the Improvement of Condition in Kosovo and Metohija and the Status of Serbian and Other National Communities in Kosovo and Metohija (public policy proposal), Belgrade
- Publishing of the Study Dr Dušan Janjić, Kosovo Between Conflict and Dialogue (Ethnic conflict and the crisis of identity: The Case of Serb-Albanian relations), Belgrade
- State of Emergency, Causes and Consequences (round table), Belgrade
- Possibilities for Democratization of Kosovo (workshop), Belgrade
- Roma’s Settlements: Experience of Zemun Polje, (workshop), Belgrade
- Repatriation of Romas from Germany (workshop), Belgrade
- Young Leaders Cooperation Against Organized Crime and Terrorism in the Western Balkans,(workshop, round table), Belgrade and Priština
- Official Visit to PR China
- What Can NGOs Do For Kosovo and Metohia (workshop), Belgrade
- Standing Leaders Round Table for Democratic Minority Policy (round table), Niš
- Status of Serbian-Montenegrin Minority in Albania (workshop), Belgrade
- Terrorism, violence and the perspectives of reconciliation: Comparative experience of the Middle East and the Balkans (round table), Belgrade
- Combating Racism and Xenophobia and Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous People (round tables),Knjazevac, Kladovo, Zajecar, Bosilegrad
- Minority Policy in the Republic of Croatia (workshop), Belgrade
- People without Borders Seminars: Society and Economy in Transition (workshops, seminars), Belgrade
- People without Borders Seminars: Democratization and Stabilization (workshops, seminars), Belgrade
- People without Borders Seminars: Regional and Transregional Cooperation (workshops, seminars), Belgrade
- Representatives of the Government Speak on the Kind of Minority Legislation That We Need (workshop), Belgrade
- European Network of Universities for Peace Studies – With Special Attention on the Balkans (project), Belgrade
- Publishing of the Study: Dr Dušan Janjić, Kosovo Between Conflict and Dialogue (Ethnic conflict and the crisis of identity: The Case of Serb-Albanian relations), Belgrade
- Establishing a Network For Serb – Albanian Dialogue and Reconciliation in Kosovo (project), Belgrade
- Religion, ethnic communities and rule of Law (summer school), Belgrade
- Terrorism and Organized Crime: the Challenges for the Stability and Security of the Western Balkans (workshops), Budva, Belgrade
- Theses for a Constitutional Law of the Republic of Serbia on Freedoms and Rights of Minority Communities and Persons Belonging to Them (publication), Belgrade
- The Albanian Issue in Regional Perspective (workshop), Belgrade
- Through Negotiations To Peace (round tables), Belgrade
- Current Status of National and Ethnic Minorities (discussion), Belgrade
- Role of Leaders of Romanian-Vlach Minority Communities in Self-organization for Democratic Minority Policy (workshop), Vršac
- The Role of Economic and Social Institutions in Promoting Overall Rural Development (workshop), Belgrade
- Young Leaders Cooperation Against Organized Crime and Terrorism in the Western Balkans; (workshops), Beograd, Priština
- Chinese: Rule and/or Exception. How to Improve the Status of Chinese Citizens and Enterprises in Serbia
- Current Status of National and Ethnic Minorities,
- Role of Leaders of Romanian-Vlach Minority Communities in Self-organization for Democratic Minority Policy
- Representatives of the Government Speak on Kind of Minority Legislation That We Need
- Through Negotiations To Peace
- People without Borders Seminars: “ Society and Economy in Transition”
- Terrorism and Organized Crime: the Challenges for the Stability and Security of the Western Balkans
- Non–Discrimination Review Under the Stability Pact for South East Europe, Country Group Experts
- The Role of Economic and Social Bodies in Promoting Integrated Rural Development, the Agroturism pilot Programme
- Yugoslavian (Serbian/Montenegrin) Italian Forum (round tables and conferences), Belgrade, Kotor
- Initiatives on Kosovo: Fact Finding Mission on Kosovo; Workshop on Constitutional Framework for a Provisional Self-Government in Kosovo (project), Pristina
- Minority Policy in Hungary and Serbia – A comparative analysis of existing and draft legislation on minorities in Hungary and Serbia; (international workshop), Budapest
- Round Table on Inter-ethnic Relations in Vojvodina (round table), Palić
- Political Status of Roma Ethnic Community (round table, seminar), Belgrade
- The Proposition and Prospects for the Future of Displaced Persons From Kosovo and Metohia (workshop), Belgrade
- The Role of Leaders in a New Democratic Minority Policy (workshop), Belgrade
- Constitutional Framework for a Provisional Self-government in Kosovo (round table), Belgrade
- Social Reconstruction and Social vs. Ethnic Mobilization (project 2001-2004), Belgrade
- Yugoslavian (Serbian/Montenegrin) Italian Forum (round tables and conferences), Belgrade, Kotor
- Initiatives on Kosovo: Fact Finding Mission on Kosovo; Workshop on Constitutional Framework for a Provisional Self-Government in Kosovo (project), Pristina
- Minority Policy in Hungary and Serbia – A comparative analysis of existing and draft legislation on minorities in Hungary and Serbia; (international workshop), Budapest
- Round Table on Inter-ethnic Relations in Vojvodina (round table), Palić
- Political Status of Roma Ethnic Community (round table, seminar), Belgrade
- The Proposition and Prospects for the Future of Displaced Persons From Kosovo and Metohia (workshop), Belgrade
- The Role of Leaders in a New Democratic Minority Policy (workshop), Belgrade
- Constitutional Framework for a Provisional Self-government in Kosovo (round table), Belgrade
- Social Reconstruction and Social vs. Ethnic Mobilization (project 2001-2004), Belgrade
- Drafting of the Law on Minorities for new Serbia
- Drafting the Minorities Law and Law on Implementing Ombudsman in Montenegro
- Drafting the Minorities Law for new, democratic Serbia
- Drafting the Constitution for new democratic Serbia
- Yu (Serbian/Montenegrin) Italian Forum
- Myth, Religion and Ethnicity
- Training of Young Leaders of Minorities in the FR of Yugoslavia
- Training Course: Multiculturalism in Local Communities
- New Migrations, Change of Ethnic Structure and the Position of Refugees
- The Status of The Internal Displaced Persons in Serbia
- Democratization, Ethnic Conflicts and Minority Protection in the Post-Communist Societies of the Central – Eastern Europe and the Balkans: The Cases of Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia
- Minority Identity in Post communism
- The Anatomy of the Kosovo Crisis and Perspectives for the Development of Serbian-Albanian Relations in Kosovo, Serbia and the Region
- International Summer Schools on Interethnic, Intercultural and Inter-Confessional Dialogue and Understanding (ISID): Nationalism in Post-Communist Societies
- Center for Ethnic Relations and Minority Protection, CERMP, has been established in Belgrade by Forum for Ethnic Relations, FER, in cooperation with SIDA, starting 1996. The aim of the center is to promote research on and improvement of ethnic relations and minority protection. The need for initiatives at improving knowledge on and current situation of ethnic relations in Yugoslavia is obvious. Instead of mutual respect, dialogue and search for common ground in solving conflicts, the picture of ethnic relations in Yugoslavia is dominated by war. Creating and widespreading a better understanding of how to deal with conflicts between ethnic groups is the primary idea of the center, and one of the major efforts has been improving Serbian-Albanian relations in order to avoid full-scale war in Kosovo. Those efforts were not without success, the center suceeded in opening dialogue with Serbian and Albanian moderates. Dialogue in itself, though, is not enough. The events unfolding, and the lack of support for the moderate actors, lead instead to the escalation of the crisis.
- Summer School on Inter-Confessional Dialogue and Understanding, SIDU
- Drafting the Minorities Law for FR of Yugoslavia
- Summer School on Inter-Confessional Dialogue and Understanding, SIDU
- Drafting the Minorities Law for FR of Yugoslavia
FER was established